• Optimal time for establishing a new
lawn is August through mid-September.
Link to article on lawn establishment
• Dampwood termites begin flying late
this month. Make sure your home is free of wet wood or places where wood and
soil are in contact.
Maintenance and Clean Up
• Make compost of lawn clippings and
garden plants that are ready to be recycled. If lawn has been treated with herbicide, including "weed-and-feed" products, don't use clippings near plants that could be damaged by those products.
Be aware that composting diseased plants or anything that has gone to seed could spread those diseases or seeds unless you are
using the "hot compost" method or thoroughly covering the compost with at least a few inches of soil and/or mulch.
• Fertilize cucumbers, summer squash, and
broccoli to maintain production while you continue harvesting.
• Clean and fertilize strawberry beds.
• Use mulch to protect ornamentals and
garden plants from hot weather damage. If needed, provide temporary shade,
especially for recent plantings.
• Camellias need deep watering to develop
flower buds for next spring.
• Prune raspberries, boysenberries, and
other caneberries after harvest. Check raspberries for holes made by crown
borers, near the soil line, at base of plant. Remove infested wood before
adults emerge (approximately mid-August).
Link to article on growing Raspberries
• Prune out dead fruiting canes in
trailing blackberry and train new primocanes prior to end of month. Link to article on growing Blackberries
• Prune cherry trees before fall rains
begin to allow callusing in dry weather. This will minimize the spread of
bacterial canker.
• Mid-summer planting of peas (use
enation-virus-resistant varieties)
• Plant winter kale, Brussels sprouts,
turnips, parsnips, parsley, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, and Chinese cabbage.
• Plant winter cover crops in vacant
space in the vegetable garden
Pest Monitoring and Management
• Remove cankered limbs from fruit and
nut trees for control of diseases such as apple anthracnose and bacterial
canker of stone fruit. Sterilize tools before each new cut.
• Check apple maggot traps; spray tree if
• Control yellowjackets and wasps with
traps and lures only as necessary. Keep in mind they are beneficial insects and
help control pest insects in the home garden.
• First week: Only if necessary, spray for walnut husk
• First week: Only if necessary, second spray for peach
tree borer and/or peach twig borer.
• First week: Only if necessary, second spray of filbert
trees for filbertworm.
• Check for root weevils in ornamental
shrubs and flowers; (Link)
• Check for codling moth (Link) and spider mite (Link) in apple trees
• Watch for corn earworm on early corn.
Treat only as needed.
• For mite control on ornamentals and
most vegetables, hose off foliage, spray with approved miticide only if
• Check leafy vegetables for
caterpillars. Pick off caterpillars as they appear. Use Bt-k, if necessary.
• Continue monitoring peaches, plums,
prunes, figs, fall-bearing raspberries and strawberries, and other plants that
produce soft fruits and berries for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD). If SWD
are present, use an integrated and least toxic approach to manage the pests.
Learn how to monitor
for SWD flies and larval infestations in fruit.
Sustainable gardening
Oregon State University Extension Service encourages sustainable gardening
pest management is
emphasized over reactive pest control. Identify and monitor problems before
acting and opt for the least toxic approach that will remedy the problem. The
conservation of biological control agents (predators, parasitoids) should be
favored over chemical controls.
chemical controls only when necessary and only after thoroughly reading the
pesticide label. First consider cultural, then physical and biological
controls. Choose the least-toxic options (insecticidal soaps, horticultural
oils, botanical insecticides, and organic pesticides). Always research your pest to find the optimal ways of controlling them. Call the Master Gardener hotline if you'd like some help getting started. 541-766-6750.