Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Yard Trees!

Are you interested in a free yard tree? 
City of Corvallis municipal code limits Urban Forestry staff to planting trees in public right of ways, parks, and natural areas. Some right of ways, however, can’t support trees due to conflicts with existing infrastructure or too small of a right of way (under 4 feet wide). In an effort to expand the urban canopy in Corvallis, staff are working with the local Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Advisory group, CBUF to create a new city program to get free trees to homeowners on private property! 

How it works:
1.   CBUF volunteers will do an inspection of your right of way to determine your eligibility.
2.   Help you select the most appropriate species for your yard from a curated list .
3.   Order and plant the tree- at no cost to you!
4.   Provide a watering bag, stakes, and deer protection (as needed). 
5.   All you have to do is water it, each summer for the first 3 years. 
6.   CBUF volunteers will provide additional information as needed for establishment care and maintenance. 

For more information, or to sign up, please contact: 
Malcolm Anderson 
Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Advisory Group- Vice Chair


Jennifer Killian
Urban Forestry and Natural Areas Specialist

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Summer Tree Needs

Establishment watering is one of the most important things you can do for a newly planted tree. That water should be delivered weekly and in a large volume, rather than daily in a light sprinkle. Deep watering helps trees develop deep drought resistant roots. Water trees with at least 10 gallons per inch of tree diameter. The easiest way is to purchase a watering bag from a local nursery. These hold between 15 and 20 gallons. 

Watering formula
Tree diameter (inches) × 10= number of gallons per week. So, a 1 inch caliper tree needs a minimum of 10 gallons of water, weekly throughout the summer (from May-September). 


This is a great time of year to spread mulch. Get out there now and add a few inches in a circle that extends out to the drip-line of your tree. Mulch should not touch the trunk or surface roots as this can lead to decay. Keep mulch 3-4” deep starting 6” from the tree. Mulch helps reduce weeds, moderates soil temperature, helps keep soil moist and reduces compaction. 


Saturday, August 3, 2019

Edible Garden Tour - August 3rd

2019 Edible Garden Tours
Grow UP! – Using Structure in the Edible Garden
Offered by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Food Action Team’s Edible Garden Group and Bountiful Backyard
FREE tours feature stops at local gardens and farms where gardeners exhibit their work. Discussions are welcome. Come get inspired with us!
The cycling tour will begin at the Benton County Fairgrounds (southeast corner – as displayed in map below) on Saturday, August 3rd from 9 AM.
Benton County Fairgrounds 110 SW 53
rd St. Corvallis OR 97333
TIME: 9AM – 12PM
Enjoy a bike ride out to local farms and meet the farmers who provide our community with local and fresh produce. This will be an approx. 11 mile bike ride. Maps will be handed out at 
start of ride. edible-garden-tours action-teams/food/ project-edible-front-yard- garden-tours