Establishment watering is one of the most important things you can do for a newly planted tree. That water should be delivered weekly and in a large volume, rather than daily in a light sprinkle. Deep watering helps trees develop deep drought resistant roots. Water trees with at least 10 gallons per inch of tree diameter. The easiest way is to purchase a watering bag from a local nursery. These hold between 15 and 20 gallons.
Watering formula
Tree diameter (inches) × 10= number of gallons per week. So, a 1 inch caliper tree needs a minimum of 10 gallons of water, weekly throughout the summer (from May-September).
This is a great time of year to spread mulch. Get out there now and add a few inches in a circle that extends out to the drip-line of your tree. Mulch should not touch the trunk or surface roots as this can lead to decay. Keep mulch 3-4” deep starting 6” from the tree. Mulch helps reduce weeds, moderates soil temperature, helps keep soil moist and reduces compaction.
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