Planning and Maintenance
• Make a cold frame or hotbed to start early vegetables or flowers.
• Prune and train grapes; take cuttings.
• Prune fruit trees and blueberries.
• Prune and train trailing blackberries and black raspberries.
• Prune fall-bearing raspberries (in late-February or early-March).
Planting and Propagation
• Plant asparagus if the ground is warm enough.
• Plant seed flats of brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts), indoors or in a greenhouse.
• Where soil is dry enough and workable, plant garden peas and sweet peas.
Early in the month you can still collect scion wood from fruit trees. Grafting is done in March.
• Box-elder bugs are emerging from hibernation. They are not harmful and can be removed with a broom and dustpan or vacuum.