Monday, June 29, 2020

Sharing Extra Garden Produce

Summer is here and gardens are bursting forth with colorful flowers, fruits, and vegetables! But those tiny seedlings of two months ago are now producing more cucumbers, peas, chard, and kale faster than you can say “green smoothie”! The good news? You can donate your home grown bounty to several groups in the Corvallis area that serve individuals and families relying on food support. The addition of fresh produce adds healthy and delicious choices for those experiencing food insecurity, and is greatly appreciated. When donating please wash your hands before handling your produce, provide clean and fresh produce, be mindful of social distancing, wear a mask when dropping off your donations, and be respectful the of volunteers’ time and other requests. A few groups are listed below.


Also, you can donate to your neighbors! Work out a plan to share your extras with the elderly couple or family across the street who can’t get out to the market or produce stands. And as always, especially during these stressful times, thank you for sharing, caring, and being kind! And if you are in need of food support, please contact these groups as well.

Clare’s Produce Boxes: 541-801-5511 (call /text) - Collecting any amount of produce each week to give fresh veggies, fruits, and herbs to local households that are in financial need. She picks up the produce up from you, or can arrange a meeting place. 

Furniture Share (now accepting produce!) 4950 Hout St., Corvallis. FMI: 541-754-9511 / Open Tues. & Thurs. 10am-5pm to accept all clean and fresh produce. Starting Friday, July 10, 2020 hours/days change to Tues. & Fri. 10am-3pm.

South Corvallis Food Bank 1800 SW 3rd St, Suite 110. /   541-753-4263 / Drop off produce donations Mon/Wed 12:30-1pm, Thurs 4:30-5pm, and Sat 9:30-10am. (Food box pick up hours are: Mon/Wed 1-3pm, Thurs 5-7pm, & Sat 10am-12noon).

Jackson Street Youth Shelter, 555 NW Jackson Ave., 541-754-2404 Ext. 1, Call ahead and talk to a staff member to arrange produce drop off. Best drop off times are 11am-1pm. 

Community Outreach Inc., 865 NW Reiman Ave., 541-758-3000, Mon.-Fri. Please call ahead before donating.  (Shelter and food pantry).

Mary’s River Gleaners, Pioneer Park, 1300 Philomath Blvd. between 15th St. and Downtown Corvallis Exit, 541-4979019/ (Ask for Cookie). Drop off: Thurs. 11am-1:30pm, Fri. 8:00am-1:30pm, Sat. 11:30am-2:00pm. (Pick up food box days/times the same.)

Oregon State University Champinefu Lodge – Healthy Beavers Boxes & Food Pantry, 1030 SW Madison Ave., 541 737-3747 / Drop off produce Mon. – Fri. 9am-12noon. Street parking is available on Madison Ave. and 11th St. (Food Pantry Hours: Wed. 10-3 for the public with guidelines, Fri. 12:12:30pm for OSU Students and Faculty (OSU ID required).