Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Your Bee Friendly Garden

Your Bee-Friendly Garden You no doubt know that bees are critical for pollinating many of the plants that supply our food, as well as ornamentals we enjoy. Did you also know that there are 500+ species of bees in Oregon? And did you know that urban gardens are very important for pollinators? Many people think first of honeybees and other colony bees. However, ~ 90% of the world’s bees are solitary. These gentle bees come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. They don’t make honey, but they are amazing pollinators. Bee Habitat includes many pollinator species, including some that bloom in winter. More variety of flowers = more bees. More flowers = more bees! Native bees prefer native plants. California poppy, Douglas Aster, Sources: WWW.oregonbeeproject.org globe Gilia and goldenrod are some favorites. Many bees are ground nesters, so areas of bare soil are also important.
Leave the leaves on the ground in winter to provide shelter for bees and other organisms. Also leave dead hollow stems until Spring. Safe Garden Practices: Reduce or eliminate pesticides. If you do spray, don’t spray a plant during bloom or allow spray to drift onto blooming plants, including dandelions and clover in the lawn.
The 8th annual BEEVENT sponsored by Linn County Master Gardener Assoc. will be held March 5. Register at linnmastergardeners.com https://extension.oregonstate.edu/bee-atlas Benton County Master Gardeners. Membership Meetings: 3rd Monday October to May, 7:00 pm – currently on Zoom