Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What to do in the Garden in
~ November ~
Maintenance and Clean Up
·  Check potatoes in storage and remove any going bad.
·  Place a portable cold frame over rows of winter vegetables.
·  Place mulch around berries for winter protection.
·  Cover rhubarb and asparagus beds with compost and straw or leaf mulch.
·  Rake leaves and use as mulch to suppress weeds, define beds, and enrich soil.

·  Drain and store hoses carefully to avoid damage from freezing.
·  Last chance to plant cover crops for soil building.
·  Prune roses (tea and floribunda, but NOT climbers and ramblers) to around 3 feet in height to prevent winter damage. 

        ·  Use a tarp to move leaves easily.

Planting and Propagation

·  Take cuttings of rhododendrons and camellias for propagation; propagate begonias from leaf cuttings.
·  Plant window garden of lettuce, chives, parsley.
·  Good time to plant trees and shrubs. Consider ones that supply food and shelter for birds (sumac, elderberry, flowering currant, and mock orange).
·  Plant spring-flowering bulbs.
·  Plant garlic.

Pest Management 
     ·  Use slug traps or phosphate baits.