Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Programs to donate extra garden produce to

Have More Food from your Garden
than You Can Eat or Put Up?

Consider donating your surplus to one or more of the follow programs:

Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV)  4786 SW Philomath Blvd. M-F, 9 am-5 pm. Call Hotline Advocate for info. cardv.org • 541-754-0110

Community Outreach Inc.  865 NW Reiman Ave., Corvallis. Shelter and food pantry. 8 am-9pm Mon-Sat, call ahead to donate. communityoutreachinc.org • 541-758-3000

Jackson Street Youth Shelter  555 NW Jackson Ave.
9 am-7 pm daily. Call ahead. www.jsysi.org • 541-754-2404

Jammin’ for the Hungry  Fresh or frozen fruit only.
Call for locations and times. Sara Power • outreach@corvallisfumc.org • 541-231-6772

Marys River Gleaners at Pioneer Park (south of Philomath Blvd between 15th St. and downtown exit). Fri. 8 am-2:30 pm, Sat. 9:30 am-1:30 pm. Cookie Johnson • cookiej3@msn.com • 541-497-9019

Neighbor to Neighbor (Philomath)  College United Methodist Church (Social Hall), 1123 Main St, Philomath. Drop off: Tues. 9:30-11:30 am; Dinner: 5:30-6:30 pm Glenda • collegeumc.com • 541-929-2412 or 541-929-6614

OSU Emergency Food Pantry  Call ahead to donate and for directions. 541-737-3747 or 541-737-3473 studentlife.oregonstate.edu/hsrc/osu-emergency-food-pantry • foodpantry.hsrc@oregonstate.edu

An Energy-Efficient
Food Garden Tip

Copyright 2015 Owen E. Dell, RLA, ASLA 

Forty percent of all food is wasted in the United States. Think about the energy waste that goes along with that!  With proper planning, most food waste can be eliminated.

WHAT TO DO: Food waste starts in the garden. Pick produce when it’s ready. Store food properly so that it doesn’t spoil. Keep an eye on what’s in the back of the fridge, planning meals carefully to use up food before it goes bad. If you do have to toss food, put it on the compost pile, not in the trash. But remember that compost food releases methane gas, a dangerous greenhouse gas.  So share food with your neighbors, or develop an integrated neighborhood food system with each household growing the crops that do best for them.  Also donate food. (There will be more places to donate to listed next month.)

Calories of wasted food: 40% of available
Calories lost from not wasting food: minimal

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