Monday, August 13, 2018

What to do in the Garden in August

Maintenance and Clean Up
   Use mulch to protect plants from hot weather damage. If needed, provide shade.

  Camellias need deep watering to develop flower buds for next spring.

  Prune raspberries and other caneberries after harvest. Check raspberries for holes made by crown borers, near the soil line. Remove infested wood before adults emerge mid-August.
Sunburned raspberries are still a treat

  Plant winter cover crops in vacant space in the vegetable garden

  Plant winter kale, Brussels sprouts, turnips, parsnips, parsley, and Chinese cabbage, spinach, peas.

Pest Monitoring and Management  

Dampwood termites
begin flying. Make sure your home is free of wet wood or contact between wood and soil.

Remove cankered limbs from fruit and nut trees for control. Sterilize tools before each new cut.  Rubbing alcohol is good for that.
Check for weevils in ornamental shrubs and on strawberries; scale insects in camellias, holly and maples.  Remove by hand.
Scale insect

For mite and aphid control, blast off of foliage with a hose.

Check leafy vegetables and pick off caterpillars as they appear. 

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