Monday, March 4, 2019

What to do in the Garden in March

Planning and Planting
-       Plan your vegetable garden. 
-       Once soil is dry enough, plant cool season annual crops:  carrots, beets, broccoli, kale, leeks, parsley, peas, onion, lettuce, & radishes.
-       Plant insectary plants such as Alyssum, Phacelia, coriander, candytuft, yarrow, and dill.  Click this link for more ideas.
-       Plant perennial crops- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, rhubarb, and chives.
Lettuce and kale seedlings, 2 weeks old

-       Divide hostas, daylilies, mums, anemones, asters, yarrow, garden phlox, and other summer flowering herbaceous perennials. Most could also be done in fall.

Pest Monitoring
-  Watch trees for  leaf rollers.  Click this link for advice.

Leaf roller, photo courtesy of WSU

-  Watch for slug damage and bait with iron phosphate or use a trap baited with bread dough or cucumber.
-  Prune shrubs to allow air circulation, preventing fungal disease.

-  Spread compost
-  Prune spring flowering shrubs after bloom to allow air circulation, preventing fungal disease.
-  Add grass clippings (no herbicides!), yard waste, and kitchen scraps to compost bin

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