Monday, May 6, 2019

What to do in the Garden in May

Managing weeds, the easy way   
-Frequent attention to weeds cuts down on the overall time required to control them. 
-Use light cultivation while they are small and actively growing.

-Strong larger plants tend to outcompete weeds, so plant more shrubs and trees.

-3-5” of organic mulch prevents many weeds.

-Wood chips, leaf mulch, grass clippings (with no pesticides), and bark all prevent weeds, but rarely kill established weeds.

-Put down cardboard or several layers of overlapping newspaper where there is a large area of established weeds or grass.  Cover with attractive mulch. 

This patch of grass will be planted in drought tolerant, low maintenance shrubs in the fall when the grass has died.

Did you know?
Strawberries were named thus because they are often mulched with straw.

Maintenance and Clean Up

-Allow foliage of spring-flowering bulbs to brown and die down before removing.
-Apply compost to vegetable and flower beds.  

- Flush drip irrigation systems
-When selecting new plants, look for drought and disease resistance.

-If an unfamiliar plant problem occurs, contact the Master Gardener hotlinefor help.

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