Monday, May 7, 2018

What to do in the Garden in May

Managing weeds, the easy way-
-Frequent attention to weeds cuts down on the overall time required to control them. 
-Use light cultivation while they are small and actively growing.

-Strong larger plants tend to outcompete weeds.

-3-5” of organic mulch prevents many weeds.

-Wood chips, leaf mulch, grass clippings (with no pesticides), and bark all prevent weeds. Less attractive mulches can be covered with wood chips or bark.

-Put down cardboard or several layers of overlapping newspaper where there is a large area of established weeds or grass.  Cover with attractive mulch. 

Did you know?
Strawberries were named thus because they are often mulched with straw.

Maintenance and Clean Up

-Allow foliage of spring-flowering bulbs to brown and die down before removing.
-Apply compost to vegetable and flower beds.  

- Flush drip irrigation systems
-When selecting new plants, look for drought and disease resistance.

-If an unfamiliar plant problem occurs, contact the Master Gardener hotline for help. 541-766-6750

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